A family Civil War story by John Milliken Thompson | September 8th, 2011 Dew on the Kudzu guest post: http://bit.ly/ohiWwX
Seattleite Q & A by John Milliken Thompson | August 1st, 2011 http://www.seattleite.com/john-thompson-digging-up-the-past/
Southern Indie Bestseller List by John Milliken Thompson | July 31st, 2011 #8 trade paperback fiction: http://bit.ly/ojOtjG
Indie Reader Houston by John Milliken Thompson | July 30th, 2011 blog on cover art: http://bit.ly/qEZDV6
Q & A, July 27, 2011 by John Milliken Thompson | July 30th, 2011 BookedinChico blog: http://bit.ly/oTAKuG
Murder by the Blog by John Milliken Thompson | July 25th, 2011 On crossing genres: http://bit.ly/oISWhz